The GlamVan Story
In the beginning
This 1983 Viscount Caravan was on its last legs. When I purchased the caravan from the previous owner, it appeared to have been a once-loved family caravan for many years before it was turned into a spare room. It was now time for it to be transformed, and to do this, I took on this project with my Dad.
Assessing the caravan
To see what needed to be done, we first had to strip the caravan back to its bare bones to see what needed replacing… which was practically everything!
Renovating the caravan
A lot of care and time was taken to decide on the layout and interior design of the new caravan. Each area of the caravan was researched to ensure the best option was selected and the arrangement suited the overall renovation.
And now…
GlamVan offers you the perfect nights stay while camping under the stars.